A market research conducted by IRI* on 12 thousand consumers awarded le Naturelle Rustiche by Eurovo Group “2018 Product of the Year”.
Le Naturelle Rustiche, barn eggs from 100% Italian hens, fed with feeds, which are strictly GMO-free, vegetable, palm oil-free, animal fat free, with no meat meal, no synthetic dyes, within a fully dedicated and certified, without ever using antibiotics throughout the whole production phase.
The product underwent a first selection by a committee made up of experts from the academic world, marketing, journalists, and consumers afterwards.
Innovation and customer satisfaction were decisive points for winning the prize.
Thanks to all the consumers who voted for us!
* PdA© market research on a pre-selection of innovative products sold in Italy, conducted by IRI on 12,000 consumers over 18, held in January 2018. www.prodottodellanno.it category “eggs and egg products”